Highly Detailed Job Costing
Highly Detailed Job Costing
Gain valuable insight into your labor costs
RealTime offers eight levels of tracking information that you can use to monitor, expense, and predict your labor overhead.
The system is highly customizable so you can track what matters to your business. Employees can quickly and easily switch between jobs, departments, tasks, or items from anywhere using WebConnect, DeskPunch, MobilePunch, or a Sundial time clock.
Variable pay rates can be attached to any tracking level and will be automatically included with your payroll export.

“Prior to switching to Sundial timekeeping, we were on paper. Despite the enormity of the task of moving 500+ employees from paper timesheets to an automated system, the process was seamless. With the first-class customer service that Sundial provides, we have always received the support that we have needed, enabling us to provide an even more positive customer service experience to our staff.”
Jenna Gordon, Ashley Manor, LLC & Affiliates, Chief Financial Officer